UseNetServer continues to increase binary retention at a very fast pace. The latest update included 50 extra days. Bringing UNS retention up to 860 days. The last update (810 days) was announced on January 16th so the service is spooling retention very quickly. Add the UNS special offer – unlimited Usenet downloads plus free Usenet search for $10/mo. or $95/yr. and they remain the best deal in Usenet.
Binary retention continues to be a major factor for customers as they choose a Usenet provider. At 860 days UNS is getting very close to the lead. They are only 50 days behind the leader – Giganews – and 40 days behind Astraweb. At the pace of their retention growth it might only be a matter of time before UseNetServer pushes ahead of the competition. Read our UNS review to learn more about the Usenet service and free global search feature. Sign up for $10 unlimited Usenet and enjoy 860+ days of binary retention.