We recently added VyprVPN setup guides to NGR. They include step by step instructions along with screenshots for setting up a PPTP VPN connection to any Vypr server (US, Europe, Asia) in either Windows 7 or Mac OS X. For those who would like to use Vypr VPN on your mobile devices we also added iPhone and iPad guides. Read our review of VyprVPN to learn more about the service.
For those more adventurous here is a summary of each guide without the screen captures:
Windows 7 Setup – (full VyprVPN Windows 7 setup guide)
1. Click Windows Menu then Control Panel
2. Click Network and Internet
3. Click Network and Sharing Center
4. Click Setup a new connection or network
5. Click Connect to a workplace
6. Click Use my Internet connection (VPN)
7. Enter a VyprVPN server address and VyprVPN as the description
8. Check Don’t connect now and click Next
9. Enter your Username and Password
10. Check Remember this password and click Create
To connect go to the Windows Taskbar and click the network icon. Click on VyprVPN and then Connect. To end your session click on VyprVPN and Disconnect.
MAC OS X Setup – (full VyprVPN Mac OS X setup guide)
1. Click Apple and then System Preferences
2. Click Network
3. Click the (+) icon to add a connection
4. Choose VPN, PPTP, set service name to VyprVPN and click Create
5. Highlight VyprVPN on the left
8. Enter the VyprVPN server address and your username
9. Click Authentication Settings, enter your password and click OK
10. Click Advanced and choose Send all traffic over VPN connection, Ok, Apply
To connect via Mac OS X click on Apple – system preferences – network – VyprVPN – Connect. To end your session click Disconnect.
Apple iPhone Setup – (full VyprVPN iPhone setup guide)
1. Tap Settings – General – Network – VPN
2. Tap Add VPN Configuration
3. Choose PPTP and enter VyprVPN in the description
4. Enter a VyprVPN server address
5. Enter the Username and Password
To connect to VyprVPN via iPhone toggle the VPN setting to ON. To disconnect toggle the VPN setting to OFF
Apple iPad Setup – (full VyprVPN iPad setup guide)
1. Tap Settings – General – Network – VPN
2. Tap Add VPN Configuration
3. Choose PPTP and enter VyprVPN in the description
4. Enter a VyprVPN server address
5. Enter the Username and Password
To connect to via iPad VyprVPN toggle the VPN setting to ON. To disconnect toggle the VPN setting to OFF