Favorite Text Newsgroups and Posts

Do you enjoy sharing your thoughts and ideas with others?  Do you frequent certain text newsgroups or have some all time favorite posts?  If so we’d like to hear about them.  In the coming weeks we’ll be sharing some of your favorites along with a series of popular and often famous posts.  Including some historical posts that you’ll definitely want to check out.  So please email your favorites to us at feedback (at) newsgroupreviews.com.

What kind of text newsgroups or posts are we looking for?  The most interesting will be shared in a series of blog posts.  Perhaps you follow your favorite college or pro sports teams newsgroup.  Maybe you have a hobby that goes along with one or more text groups that you frequent.  Whatever the circumstance we want to learn more about your favorite groups and posts.  Please send your ideas to feedback (at) newsgroupreviews.com

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