Are you looking for an Android Usenet app? If so you might want to check out the newly released Power NZB app. The first 100 users to download the Android binary Usenet client will save 75% off the normal price. Bringing the cost down to just $1.25. You can download Power NZB directly from the app’s Android Market page. So far all of the reviews have been positive. Along with some good recommendations for future features.
Here’s a description of Power NZB from their Android Market page:
Power NZB is a new binary Usenet client for Android, enabling download, par2 repair and unrar of binary content.
This is a first release, if you have any issues PLEASE contact me so I can fix them A.S.A.P. Send me any NZB files you think may not work. 🙂
*Queue multiple NZB files
*Up to 8 simultaneous downloads
*Move items up and down queue
*Par2 verification and repair
*Unrar support
*Download speed graphYou need to download the free par library for par2 functionality.
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