A new Usenet provider by the name of UsenetExpress launched earlier today. It is the first tier-1 Usenet provider to jump into the industry in a very long time. The founder of UsenetExpress is no rookie to the Usenet biz. Earlier today he shared his past history on the site’s blog. He founded a Usenet company in the early 2000s that gained popularity before he sold it in 2006. It has continued to grow into one of the most popular Usenet providers in the world. Back to UsenetExpress, their team is launching the new service to compete with the small number of tier-1 Usenet providers on the market. Time will tell whether or not their strategy will be a success, but in the meantime they are looking for some Usenet enthusiasts to help test the new service. The UsenetExpress team is offering a free month of service to users who help them stress test the service.
If you would like to help test the new UseneExpress service, their team has kindly shared a coupon code with us that will give you a free month of Usenet access. We want to note that you will need to sign up for an account and provide payment information to receive the free month of access. If you do not cancel your account during the first 30 days it will bill at their normal rate of $10 a month. Even so, the promotion is a great chance to test out a new tier-1 Usenet network free of charge. To do so you will want to visit their site and click on the blue Signup Now button. On the pricing screen that follows you will want to select the $10 monthly plan. At this point you can enter the coupon code goldenticket to receive the first month free. As of the time of our post there is no field for the code. Instead you can simply type goldenticket without clicking on anything else. As soon as you hit the last letter the screen will present you with a message stating the code is confirmed as shown below.
Now that the coupon code is active, you can simply scroll down and enter an email address. From there you will choose between a number of payment methods. Regardless of which one you select, a message stating that “your coupon will be applied on the payment page.” will be presented. Then the payment page will show a message that let’s you know the subscription terms which include free service for the first month, then $10 for each month. Give UsenetExpress a test drive and let their team know what you think. As always we’re also interested in your impressions. Hit us up on Twitter and share your thoughts on the new Usenet service.