Have you ever wished you could pay for Usenet access with Bitcoins? If so you’re in for a nice surprise as a new service launched that only accepts Bitcoin payments. The new provider is aptly named Bitusenet. Users of the Bitusenet service receive unlimited Usenet access for one Bitcoin a month. Which works out to around $11 a month. Since Bitcoin prices fluctuate you could potentially pay a bit more or less in future months.
Paying for Usenet access with Bitcoins is a nice option to have. While PayPal and other payment providers offer convenience they can also be difficult to deal with at times. Having a decentralized currency like Bitcoins could be a solid alternative. Bitusenet is the only newsgroup provider we’re aware of that currently accept Bitcoins.
Aside from paying with a Bitcoin, the Bitusenet service looks a lot like many others we’ve had the opportunity to review. They offer 1,100 days of binary retention along with SSL encryption and up to 50 connections for one Bitcoin a month. If you’re in search of a Usenet provider that accepts Bitcoin then Bitusenet has you covered.
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