Have you been having issues with spam showing up in the Newsbin search results? Their new beta will help. I highly recommend you install the new Newsbin Pro 6.52 beta 4 release. The new version helps identify and filter out the spam from search results. Saving you both time and frustration. As always registered users have full access to all the current beta versions. Visit the Nesbin beta page to download version 6.52 beta 4.
Newsbin 6.52 beta 4 includes the following updates and bug fixes:
- Now has the capability to hide encrypted and/or identified spam posts from search results as an option. Under Options/Spam Filter Settings.
- Simplified spam filter options on the Spam Filter Settings screen.
- Fixed issue receiving error popups for some types of search errors when resolving files.
- Processed NZB files are stored in the loaded folder again, due to popular request.
- Added new compaction code with filename removal when there is a duplicate filename in subject.
- Increased NZB Password length limit when included in the NZB Filename, was limited to 60 bytes.
- Now removes the password if it exists when using the NZB Filename for pathing.
- Support allowing zip files inside of RAR files.
- Change to make serves with “Typical Retention” more efficient. Looks like 4x faster than before.
- Hopefully fixed intermittent crash issue reported when closing a tab.
Newsbin users can download version 6.52 beta 4 from their beta page. All full releases and betas are free of charge for users with a software license. New users can download a 15 day free trial to test the client.
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