Easynews just announced they are offering unlimited NNTP Usenet access with Big Gig accounts. Confused by what unlimited NNTP means? There are two ways to use Easynews. Web interface and via newsreader. Using Easynews with a newsreader is considered NNTP and if you choose a Big Gig account unlimtied NNTP is now included free of charge. Previously it was being sold as an add-on for $10 a month.
Here is the official Easynews press release:
Phoenix, AZ – June 29, 2010 – Easynews.com, the world’s leading browser-based Usenet newsgroup provider, is pleased to announce free Unlimited NNTP access for all Big Gig subscribers starting today. The price of the popular Big Gig plan will remain the same but now all current and new subscribers will gain unlimited access to over 100,000 newsgroups, both text and binary. The Unlimited NNTP add-on features 600 days of retention, secure SSL encrypted access and an unlimited number of connections, which is unrivaled by any other Usenet provider.
As part of its commitment to provide the world’s most comprehensive Usenet access, the announcement of Free Unlimited NNTP comes just weeks after the successful launch of its new website design. Additional enhancements will continue to be introduced over the coming months to further expand the overall Easynews offering. Subscribers can look forward to developments such as app-free support for mobile devices as well as usability enhancements to the Easynews browser application.
For more information read our Easynews review or sign up for a 14 day free trial.