PureNZB Usenet Client Adds NZBSearch Engine

The team behind PureNZB newsreader (developed for Unliminews and Z51 Usenet services) has been very busy this year.  Back in February we wrote about the features and capabilities of PureNZB Black Edition.  Along with an interview with the lead developer.  Since then the team has completely redesigned PureNZB to be more intuitive and added a lot of new functionality including search engines and search from the right click menu.  The host Usenet providers, Unliminews (US) and Z51 (Europe) now support more than 800 days of retention.  Their latest achievement is NZBSearch, a built-in Usenet search engine developed specifically for PureNZB.

Not to confuse anyone, PureNZB members already had access to some other leading Usenet search engines that were built into the interface.  Including Binsearch, Nzbindex, BinnewZ and Mysterbin.  The addition of NZBsearch is the latest option and has some nice features for PureNZB users.  There is a basic search feature plus “more options” which allows for some advanced searching and filters.  Here’s a video from the PureNZB team demonstrating NZBsearch in action.


The NZBSearch engine has a nice user interface and some good filtering and advanced search options.  For example you can define the min / max age and file size along with narrowing down to a specific newsgroup.  For more information on PureNZB and the new NZBSearch feature visit Unliminews (US) or Z51 (Europe).